Activating the Payer Account

Activating the Payer Account

As a platform admin, you use the Admin Portal to onboard and manage payers on the platform. The payer onboarding process is covered in a series of articles:
  1. Filling in Payer Company Details
  2. Filling in Payer Business Profile
  3. Setting up Payer Limits and Pricing
  4. Creating Payer Trading Relationships
  5. Activating the Payer Account
This article covers the fifth step of payer onboarding -  Activating the Payer Account.

Switching to the Activation Tab

You can open the Activation tab once you successfully create all trading relationships for the payer.

Approving KYC

Every registered company starts with the Pending Review KYC status. You will be able to change this KYC status to Approved or Rejected at any given time, depending on the checks you carry out. Keep in mind that approving a company’s KYC does not activate the company (i.e. to use the platform); likewise, rejecting KYC does not deactivate an already active company. You will need to activate or deactivate each company manually.

Activating the Company

An active company is one that you have permitted to transact on the platform. A seller that is not active will not be able to sell invoices, a payer that is not activated will not have its supplier’s invoices purchased by funders, a funder/fund manager that is not active will not be able to purchase invoices. Activation is not reliant on KYC approval; therefore, you will still need to activate a company even after approving KYC. When you first activate a company that has not self-registered, the platform will automatically send out access credentials to its representative. You will also be able to deactivate a company at any given time.

Sending Email Invite

When the company is activated, an invite is sent out to the email of the company representative. The link sent in this email will expire in 7 days and therefore the representative needs to set up their account within 7 days of receiving this email. Once logged in, the representative will be able to create and assign user roles to users within the company.

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