Creating Payer Trading Relationships
As a platform admin, you use the Admin Portal to onboard and manage payers on the platform. The payer onboarding process is covered in a series of articles:
- Filling in Payer Company Details
- Filling in Payer Business Profile
- Setting up Payer Limits and Pricing
- Creating Payer Trading Relationships
- Activating the Payer Account
This article covers the forth step of payer onboarding - Creating Payer Trading Relationships.
What is a Trading Relationship?
A trading relationship is a link between a seller and a payer that confirms both parties are trading with each other. You must set up a trading relationship before uploading and selling invoices between a payer and seller. By default, trading relationships inherits pricing set on the payer, however you can customise this pricing per payer-seller relationship.
Switching to the Relationships Tab
You can open the Relationships tab once you've successfully completed setting up all required settings in the Limits and Pricing tab.
Creating a Relationship
Click the
Add Relationship button as shown below.
Setting up the Relationship
Customise Pricing - By default, trading relationships will inherit pricing set on the Payer, so only edit pricing if you intend to customise pricing for the given trading relationship.
Do not forget to enable the Is Active? checkbox.
Submitting Trading Relationships
The Submit button will appear disabled if you have not completed all required fields. After successfully saving changes and creating all trading relationships you can continue to the next step of the payer onboarding process - Activating the Payer Account
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