Getting Started: Seller

Getting Started: Seller

The FinverityOS Platform is designed to give you flexibility, control and transparency over your supply chain by simplifying your invoice management and receivables funding processes.

This Knowledge Base is designed to make it easy for you to get started funding invoices as soon as possible! Here is a short video that gives you an overview of how you can use FinverityOS to sell your invoices for early payment!

Access to the Platform

The first step is that your selected Super Admin User will be invited to Platform via email and they will be asked to log in and set up a password. Once they have done that they can then set up the Portal and invite other users.

Setting up

Your admin user will be able to use this guide to:

  1. Manage roles, permissions and users on the Platform

    1. Create a standard set of roles and permissions which reflect the roles and processes within your business

    2. Invite your team members to the created roles on the Platform (including other Super Admins)

Managing invoices on the Platform 

  1. Uploading invoices 

    1. Uploading invoices (individually and in bulk)

    2. Uploading supporting documents

Any questions? Please click the Help & Support button on the portal or get in touch via 

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