Setting up Invoice Approval Workflows

Setting up Invoice Approval Workflows

Introduction to Invoice Approval workflows

You can create a default workflow for each Facility you are funding under the “Managed Payers” section of the User Profile Menu in the top right corner of the screen. You can also create customised workflows for specific facilities.

All invoices submitted for funding will need to pass confirmation checks prior to becoming eligible for funding. There are four invoice confirmation checks of which only one is compulsory - Invoice confirmation (Maker) - which represents the payer approving invoices. The remaining checks are optional and can be enabled/disabled by the fund manager who is managing the facility.

You can set the following preferences:

  • Whether you want to be able to upload invoices on behalf of the Payer

  • Whether you want to be able to confirm invoices on behalf of the Payer (including ones uploaded directly by the Supplier)

  • When you want there to be a separate Risk Approval workflow and when that is triggered

  • Whether you want a 4-eye/Maker-checker process for invoice confirmation and risk approval

  • The supporting documents required for the invoice to be eligible for approval

Once you set a default workflow you can apply this for every Payer, and you can also create custom workflows for different facilities (e.g. different supporting documents required or different thresholds for risk approval).

If no fund manager has been assigned to a Payer, only the compulsory invoice confirmation check will apply - Invoice Confirmation (Maker).

Further detail: invoice Approval Workflows

Fund managers can enable or disable any of the checks:

  • Invoice Confirmation (Maker) - Enabling this check will allow the fund manager to approve invoices (at this stage) on behalf of respective payers. Disabling this check will restrict the fund manager's ability to approve invoices at this stage, therefore approval will only be done by the payer. Please also note the following:

    • This is the first invoice confirmation step.

    • It only applies to true sale payers and is the next step after sellers upload invoices.

    • It is skipped for prepayment payers.

    • It is skipped when true sale payers upload invoices because the platform assumes that invoices uploaded by payers have been pre-confirmed.

  • Invoice Confirmation (Checker) - This check is entirely managed by the fund manager, therefore the fund manager can enable or disable this check.

  • Risk Approval (Maker) - This check is entirely managed by the fund manager, therefore the fund manager can enable or disable this check.

  • Risk Approval (Checker) - This check is entirely managed by the fund manager, therefore the fund manager can enable or disable this check.

Ideally at least two checks should be enabled and assigned by the fund manager to a different role (user group) to create an internal maker-checker process.

Step by Step: Configuring the Invoice Workflow

Follow the steps below to configure the invoice workflow:

  1. Once logged in as a fund manager, switch to the Fund Manager Mode via the toggle shown below.

  1. Open the Managed Payers page which can be found on the right hand menu as shown below. This page allows you to customise the invoice approval workflow on a payer level and also set the default workflow settings.

  2. Click the Set Default Workflow Settings button to open the config page where you will be able to set up the default invoice approval workflow settings.

  1. Enable or disable the various steps of the invoice approval workflow as shown below and save your changes.

    Additional Settings:

    • Set Risk Approval Target - this setting allows you to sample every x invoice for risk approval. However if you intend to risk approve all invoices then select "All Invoices" as shown above.

    • Set Risk Approval Exception - this settings allows you to filter high-value invoices for risk approval. This setting will apply even when risk approval is disabled.

    • Required Invoice Supporting Documents - this setting allows you to require uploading specific supporting documents for risk approval per seller or payer. Select the document type and the company type (seller, payer or both) that need to upload the selected document type.

  1. Go back to the Managed Payers page which should list each payer who has been assigned to the fund manager. As shown below, you can either set the payer to use the default workflow settings or set up custom workflow settings for the payer.

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