Setting up SFTP Integration

Setting up SFTP Integration

Supported SFTP Files

The Finverity platform supports the following SFTP file transfer types via SSH Public Key Authentication:
  1. Disbursal file (CSV or XLSX) - contains payment instructions automatically generated by the platform when invoices are purchased. You can retrieve this file from the SFTP server.
  2. Repayment reconciliation file (CSV or XLSX) - populate this file with repayments (on the invoice level) you received and upload it to the SFTP server. The platform automatically parses the file and reconciles repayments.
  3. Floating rates file (CSV or XLSX) - populate this file with floating rates from your treasury and upload it to the SFTP server. The platform automatically parses the file and updates matching floating indexes.
  4. FX rates file (CSV or XLSX) - populate this file with FX rates and upload it to the SFTP server. The platform automatically parses the file and updates matching FX rates. Please note that FX rates can currently only be updated platform-wide.

Setting up the SFTP Server

Contact our support team ( to set up your SFTP server. You need to provide the following details:

  1. Your SSH public key - to be stored on the server
  2. Your IP address - the IP address you use to access the server

Upon configuration of the SFTP server, you will receive the following details:

  1. SFTP server IP address (sftp_ip_address)
  2. SFTP server user name (sftp_username)
  3. SSH public key of the server

In order to connect to the SFTP server, use the following command:
sftp -o IdentitiesOnly=true -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/<your_ssh_key> <sftp_username>@<sftp_ip_address>

Receiving Disbursal Files (Payment Instructions) via SFTP

The disbursal file is automatically generated by the platform when you purchase invoices - the file includes all disbursals due to suppliers (beneficiaries). You need to listen to the Disbursals folder (see the folder structure below) to pull files generated by the platform. You can use the Parsed sub-folder to store the files that you parsed.

Folder and Filename Structure

The following SFTP folder structure is used by the Finverity platform for disbursal files:
├── Disbursals/
│   ├── Parsed/
│   ├── dis_funder_2023-03-09T03-50-32.xlsx
│   └── dis_funder_2023-03-10T03-50-32.xlsx
Disbursal files are generated using the following naming convention - dis_<lowercase_funder_name_from_the_platform>_<YYYY-MM-DD>T<hh-mm-ss>.xlsx , for example, dis_funder_1_2023-03-09T03-50-32.xlsx . For the sample disbursal file, see the Disbursal Sample File attached to the article.

Sending Repayment Reconciliation Files via SFTP

The repayment reconciliation file is the file that you use to automatically reconcile (mark as paid) invoices on the Finverity platform. You need to generate or export this file from your core banking system and upload it to the Reconciliation folder (see the folder structure below). The Finverity platform listens to this folder, and parses uploaded files every five minutes. The platform automatically moves all parsed files to the Parsed folder. As soon as the file is parsed, the system matches the invoice number, amount and the date the payment was received and marks it as paid if all match. You will receive an email notification if there are any issues with parsing or matching invoice data.
If the payer can do an early repayment, the platform changes the invoice’s repayment date to the date provided in the file and recalculates the invoice repayment amount based on the date specified in the file. If the payer can not do an early repayment, the platform does not change the invoice’s real maturity date and does not recalculate the expected payment amount.

Folder and Filename Structure

The following SFTP folder structure is used by the Finverity platform for reconciliation files:
├── Reconciliation/
│   ├── Parsed/
│   ├── reconciliation_2023-03-09T03-50-32.xlsx
│   └── reconciliation_2023-03-10T03-50-32.xlsx                    

You need to use the following standardised file naming convention for reconciliation files you upload to the specified folder - reconciliation_<YYYY-MM-DD>T<hh-mm-ss>.xlsx , for example, reconciliation_2023-03-09T03-50-32.xlsx .

The reconciliation file you upload to the folder needs to follow the standardised template, see the Repayment Reconciliation Sample File attached to the article.

Updating Floating Rates via SFTP (Available in May 2023)

The floating rates file is the file that you use to automatically update floating rates associated with payers and payer-seller relationships on the Finverity platform. A floating rate is a part of the funder return.

You need to generate or export this file from your core banking system and upload it to the Floating_rates folder (see the folder structure below). The Finverity platform listens to this folder and parses uploaded files every five minutes. The platform automatically moves all parsed files to the Parsed folder. As soon as the file is parsed, the system matches a floating rate index and updates the floating rate value if there is a match. If there are any issues with parsing or matching floating rates, you receive an email notification.

Folder and Filename Structure

The following SFTP folder structure is used by the Finverity platform for floating rate files:
├── Floating_rates/
│   ├── Parsed/
│   ├── floating_rates_2023-03-09T03-50-32.xlsx
│   └── floating_rates_2023-03-10T03-50-32.xlsx
You need to use the following standardised file naming convention for floating rate files you upload to the specified folder - fx_rates_<YYYY-MM-DD>T<hh-mm-ss>.xlsx , for example, floating_rates_2023-03-09T03-50-32.xlsx .

The floating rates file you upload needs to follow the standardised template, see the Floating-Rates Sample File attached to the article.

Updating Platform-level FX Rates via SFTP (Available in May 2023)

Updating platform level FX rates is only possible for SaaS solutions, because it affects all companies on the platform.
The FX rates file is the file that you use to automatically update FX rates on the Finverity platform.

You need to generate or export this file from your core banking system and upload it to the FX_rates folder (see the folder structure below). The Finverity platform listens to this folder and parses uploaded files every five minutes. The platform automatically moves all parsed files to the Parsed folder. As soon as the file is parsed, the system matches an FX currency pair and updates the rate value if there is a match. If there are any issues with parsing or matching floating rates, you receive an email notification.

Folder and Filename Structure

The following SFTP folder structure is used by the Finverity platform for FX rate files:
├── FX_rates/
│   ├── Parsed/
│   ├── fx_rates_2023-03-09T03-50-32.xlsx
│   └── fx_rates_2023-03-10T03-50-32.xlsx
You need to use the following standardised file naming convention for floating rate files you upload to the specified folder - fx_rates_<YYYY-MM-DD>T<hh-mm-ss>.xlsx , for example, fx_rates_2023-03-09T03-50-32.xlsx .

The floating rates file you upload needs to follow the standardised template, see the FX-Rates Sample File attached to the article.