Uploading Invoices and Supporting Documents as a True Sale Payer

Uploading Invoices and Supporting Documents as a True Sale Payer

As a true sale payer, you can upload invoices to the platform and submit them for approval and funding as part of the invoice workflow. To learn more about the high-level invoice workflow, see  Understanding the True Sale Invoice Workflow.

This article covers three steps of the invoice upload process:
  1. Uploading invoices.
  2. Attaching supporting documents.
  3. Submitting uploaded invoices for approval.


  1. The counter-parties (both the seller and payer named on the invoice) are onboarded and activated in the Admin Portal.

  2. A relationship is created between the counter-parties in the Admin Portal.

  3. The relationship between the counter-parties is active (the Active checkbox within the relationship is checked) in the Admin Portal .

1. Uploading Invoices

The platform supports uploading invoices either individually (line by line) or in bulk. Uploading invoices in bulk allows you to upload multiple invoices as once and/or when you export the list of invoices from an Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

Option 1 - Uploading Invoices Individually

Follow the steps below to upload invoices individually (one by one):

  1. Log into the payer account.

  2. Select the Invoice Upload menu item from the top navigation. You will be redirected to the  Upload Invoices screen.

  3. Click the Add Invoice button.

  4. Fill in the invoice details in the appeared invoice row.

    • Seller
      Select the seller that relates to the invoice. If the seller is not listed in the dropdown then one of the prerequisites has not been completed.

    • PO Ref
      Enter the unique PO reference number related to the invoice.

    • Invoice Ref
      Enter the unique invoice number to identify this invoice. Please note that the system does not allow duplicate invoice numbers between a payer-seller relationship.

    • Due date
      Select the due date of the invoice.

    • Issue date
      Select the date the seller issued the invoice.

    • Currency
      Select the currency of the invoice.

    • Face value
      Enter the face value of the invoice.

  5. Click Save to save the entered invoice data.
    The system checks the entered data and shows descriptive errors in the Error column if the data is entered incorrectly.
    If your fund manager specified any required supporting documents to be uploaded, the system displays the This invoice is missing required document(s) error. You can upload the documents as part of the next step of this article - 2.  Uploading Supporting Documents.
  6. If you need to edit the entered invoice data, click the Edit button.
  7. To add another invoice, click the Add Invoice button.
As soon as you enter data for all invoices you want to upload, you can proceed to the next step - 2.  Uploading Supporting Documents.

Option 2 - Uploading Invoices in Bulk

In order to upload invoices in bulk, you need to upload the pre-filled Excel (XLS, XLSX) file that contains invoice data and map the fields from the uploaded file to the fields that are required by the system.

Follow the steps below to upload invoices in bulk:
  1. Log into the payer account.

  2. Select the Invoice Upload menu item from the top navigation. You will be redirected to the  Upload Invoices  screen.

  3. You can skip this step if you generate invoice data in Excel (XLS, XLSX) format from an ERP.
    Click the Download Template button to download the template and populate it with invoice data based on the provided example data. You can keep the Seller Unique Id column empty.

  4. Click the Upload Invoices button.

  5. Click within the invoice upload area (Step 1 - Upload Data Import File) or drag & drop the pre-filled Excel (XLS, XLSX) file with invoice data. You can upload up to 10 files at the same time.

    As soon as the uploaded file(s) are checked by the platform, the Next button becomes active.

  6. Click Next to proceed to  Step 2 - Map Fields.

  7. In this step, you need to map the invoice data fields required by the system with the columns from the uploaded invoice file. For each field on the left side, use the  the dropdown list on the right side to select one of the column names from the uploaded invoice file.

  8. After mapping all fields and columns, click Next to proceed to Step 3 - Map Companies.

  9. In this step, you need to map the sellers from the uploaded invoice file to the companies you have relationships with on the system. For each company on the left side, select one of the sellers from the dropdown list on the right side.

  10. Click Save. The uploaded invoices will be displayed in the Review invoices table.  The system checks the entered data and shows descriptive errors in the Error column if the data is entered incorrectly.

    If your fund manager specified any required supporting documents, the system displays the  This invoice is missing required document(s)  error. You can upload the documents as part of the next step of this article - 2.  Uploading Supporting Documents .
  11. If you need to edit the entered invoice data, click the Edit button.
As soon as you enter data for all invoices you want to upload, you can proceed to the next step - 2.  Uploading Supporting Documents.
When you upload the invoice file next time, the system checks the file against existing mapping and pre-populates the data in the Step 2 - Map Fields and Step 3 - Map Companies if the file uses the same structure as the file you uploaded last time. This further speeds up the process of uploading invoices in bulk.

2. Uploading Supporting Documents

Supporting documents are used by fund managers as additional invoice information to make the decision of approving or rejecting an invoice.
The fund manager can configure the list of required documents you need to upload for each invoice. You can also upload optional supporting documents if needed.

The platform supports uploading supporting documents either for an individual invoice or in bulk (for multiple invoices at the same time).

Option 1 - Uploading Supporting Documents for an Individual Invoice

If you need to upload one or more supporting documents for a single invoice you want to submit for funding, follow the steps below:
  1. Add at least one invoice to the Review invoices table by following the 1. Uploading Invoices section of this article.
  2. Click the Attachments button on the invoice row you want to upload a supporting document for.

  3. If there any required documents you need to upload, the opened window shows them in the Upload required supporting documents section.
    Click the Upload button next to each required document and select the document.

    As soon as the document is uploaded, the document row shows the checkmark and the uploaded document is displayed in the Uploaded documents section.
  4. If you want to upload any additional documents, click the Upload docs  button or drag & drop files within the section below. You can upload multiple files at once and specify the document type for each or all uploaded documents.

    You can change the document type or delete the uploaded file.

  5. After attaching all documents, click the Submit button. The system moves the uploaded documents to the  Uploaded documents section.
  6. Click the close button [X] to close the window.
After attaching documents to invoices, you can proceed to the last step of the invoice upload process - 3. Submitting Invoices for Approval

Option 2 -  Uploading Supporting Documents in Bulk

When uploading supporting documents in bulk, you can attach one document to multiple invoices in just a few clicks. The system also tries to automatically map the document to an invoice by matching the invoice number to the supporting document file name.

In order to upload supporting documents in bulk, do the following:
  1. Add at least one invoice to the  Review invoices  table by following the  1. Uploading Invoices  section of this article.
  2. Click the Upload documents button.

  3. In the opened window, click the dropdown and select the type of documents you are uploading. 

  4. If you want the system to automatically attach uploaded documents to invoices by trying to find the matching invoice number in the supporting document name, enable the first toggle.
  5. If you want to attach the uploaded document(s) to all invoices at once, enable the second toggle.
  6. Click within the upload area or drag & drop files to start the upload process.
    The uploaded documents appear in the Bulk Attach section.
  7. In this step you need to select invoices to attach the uploaded documents to by clicking the Select Invoice dropdown.

    You can also change the document name, update the document type or delete the document.
  8.  After attaching all documents to the invoices, click the Submit Documents button.
After attaching documents to invoices, you can proceed to the last step of the invoice upload process -  3. Submitting Invoices for Approval

3. Submitting Invoices for Approval

In order to submit uploaded invoices together with supporting documents, select the invoices that you want to submit by checking the radio box next to the invoices. You can select all invoices by checking the radio box in the header row.

Depending on the use case and permissions you have, do one of the following:
  1. If you need the invoice to be approved by another user within your company, click the Submit for Approval button. Another payer user will have to confirm the invoice from the Confirm page.
  2. If you don't need an additional confirmation step on the payer side, click the Submit Invoices (Without Confirmation) button. The invoice will then go directly to the fund manager for approval.
As soon as the invoices are submitted, you will be redirected to the Dashboard screen. Another payer user or the fund manager will be notified that there are invoices waiting their approval.

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