Investment Management
Setting up an Investment Strategy
What is an investment strategy? A strategy is an automated investment mandate that a funder can configure to automatically purchase invoices that meet select criteria. It is currently the only way for funders to make investments on the platform. How ...
Resuming Paused Investments
When invoices become overdue, the system will automatically pause the funding relationships with the respective payers whose invoices are overdue. You will need to resume those funding relationships when you are ready for funding to continue. Open ...
Setting up Seller Limits
The seller limit is an optional limit and therefore if not set, the system will rely on the Investment Strategy Limit, and the Platform Limit. Creating seller limits Follow the steps below to create a new seller limit: Click the user profile icon. ...
Selecting Investment Days
What are investment days? As a fund manager acting as a funder, you can select days of the week when your investment strategies should attempt to purchase invoices that match your investment criteria. This allows you to make investments on specific ...
Setting up an Investment Strategy
What is an investment strategy? A strategy is an automated investment mandate that a funder can configure to automatically purchase invoices that meet select criteria. It is currently the only way for funders to make investments on the platform. ...